Alleged reporter Jim Acosta embarasses himself - consistently - by personifying anti-Trump bias in the press. I don't care that he's anti-Trump; I care that he either cannot or, as I believe, will not, do his job. Which is to gather information of use or interest to the public and disseminate it.

Below, from Fox News, is Jim's most recent attempt to make news - or more accurately "Fake News" - rather than report it, even to the exclusion of any useful inquiry.

I'm feeling ready for my disobedience to become quite uncivil.

As we enter the 7th week of Shelter In Place orders, many officials are apparently shocked that large segments of the public are unhappy about it, and/or non-compliant. What did they THINK was going to happen if they locked people in their homes for months at a time, often with no income, no job, no prospects for improvement, no exit strategy and no end date? I told my wife on day 15 of the original "15 Days to Slow the Spread", during the speech announcing an extension, that there would be civil unrest before it was over. That much was both obvious and inevitable. I am proud of the public, and frankly greatly relieved, that the disobedience has been respectful, peaceful and reasonable. It could have gone differently.

OH! Wait...

When the lockdown started, it was a 15 day plan to "flatten the curve". This was important because this virus is so contagious that it spreads very quickly. The objective was to make sure that so many people didn't get sick all at the same time that hospitals would become overwhelmed.

As time went on, two things happened:

A judge in Texas has effectively criminalized "selifish"ness. When Shelley Luther wouldn't comply with a court order to close her hair salon - which would leave her children hungry and 18 other people out of work, some of whom also had hungry children - the judge cited her with contempt. Imposing fines and imprisonment, he offered to accept increased fines in leiu of imprisonment if she would repent of her real crime, and "apologize to the elected officials whom you disrespected" - by which he likely meant himself.