Van Jones is a Democrat party political operative with the distinctive of being pretty honest about political situations and his role in them. He is frankly sometimes quite blunt.

He made comments after the DNC Convention's final night, and on Joe Biden's acceptance speech. His commentary was as revealing as it was honest. He made unambiguously clear, in the space of a few sentences, a couple of obvious facts:

To paraphrase several conservative commentators,

"Conservatives think that liberals are people with bad ideas. 
Liberals think that conservatives are bad people with ideas."

This may be an oversimplification, but its an accurate generalization on a big picture problem in our society. It's frequent - in fact, the norm in my experience - for a liberal retort to a conservative point to be accusations of racism, homophobia, etc. In other words, the false syllogism seems to be that, since (1) I'm well intentioned in my policy view and (2) you disagree with me, then (3) you are not well intentioned.

Like all of our Covid-19 responses, the early decision to close schools was reasonable in the face of our complete ignorance about the disease. The reflex to protect children was - and is - correct and honorable.

However, we now know, and have known for quite some time, that children are neither particularly susceptible to, harmed by, or likely to transmit the virus. We also know that keeping them out of school is detrimental to them emotionally, educationally and often physically as well. At least as importantly, keeping them out of school binds at least one parent at home. In an unfortunately large number of families, this means unemployment, poverty and all their attendant ills, both familial, social and economic.

Just kidding - no one who has been paying attention and is reasonably objective should be surprised by this. It's been clear to me for well over a year, using my simple 3 step plan for filtering the news to find the truth - a rare and precious distillate indeed: